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Promising practices

The Promising practices are gathered from all over Europe and organised in a searchable database. In response to the individual results of the school, the ROADMAP offers a range of promising practices which can be adapted to specific contexts. The purpose of the promising practices database is to both inspire and help the school plan a whole-school strategy according to the needs identified in the context of the self-assessment process

90 promising practices found

Identifying keywords in every lesson to promote literacy of all

How can you identify keywords in every subject to help your students access the curriculum?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher students

Area: Role of language in learning

Dimension(s): Promoting language development

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Multilingual identity texts

How can we integrate students’ cultural knowledge and language abilities into the school curriculum?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Language resources at school Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Knowledge about the students' languages Promoting plurilingualism

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Sherlock Holmes and the art of deduction

How to promote informal logical thinking as a way to higher cognitive discourse functions (argumentation, simulation)

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Developing language knowledge and skills

Dimension(s): Improving speaking and writing skills Improving listening and reading skills

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Bonding and foreign language

Can focusing on emotions improve bonds and facilitate language learning?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students

Area: Language resources at school Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Valuing students' languages Knowledge about the students' languages Promoting plurilingualism

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Intensive teaching of the language of schooling in transitional classes

How can students with a migrant background achieve the necessary level of language competence as quickly as possible?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students

Area: Role of language in learning

Dimension(s): Promoting language development

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The Day of Foreign Cultures / The Tower of Babel Day

How can my school benefit from having new students and families?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: parents

Area: Orienting newcomer students and families

Dimension(s): Making use of language resources at school

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Fostering learning environments where modern languages flourish

Which leadership is needed to implement a language school policy?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher headteachers

Area: Professional development Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Developing teachers' awareness Valuing students' languages

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Multilingual dictionaries of key words used in school subjects

How can multilingual dictionaries containing key words used in school subjects and translated into world languages help your students?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students

Area: Role of language in learning

Dimension(s): Importance of language in subject teaching

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Drama group and plurilingualism

How can participating in a drama group promote plurilingualism?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students

Area: Developing language knowledge and skills Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Valuing students' languages Knowledge about the students' languages Awareness of spoken and written language Knowledge about the families' language

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Writing plurilingual stories

How to mediate stories in order to develop students'' self-confidence

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students

Area: Role of language in learning Developing language knowledge and skills Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Valuing students' languages Improving speaking and writing skills Improving listening and reading skills Promoting plurilingualism Displaying plurilingualism in the school environment Bridging languages for learning

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DUPLEX (science slam) project initiated by the Franco-German Lycée in Freiburg (Germany) and integrated into the ECML's EOL project

How can we give meaning to the teaching of a scientific discipline in a foreign language and encourage pupils to present an independently chosen scientific project to an audience?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Developing language knowledge and skills

Dimension(s): Awareness of spoken and written language Improving speaking and writing skills

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Language development methods for students with a mother tongue other than language(s) of schooling

How can teachers enable students to write a poem in the language(s) of schooling?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students

Area: Developing language knowledge and skills

Dimension(s): Teaching specificities of language Awareness of spoken and written language Improving speaking and writing skills

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Easy ways to build academic-vocabulary

How to develop the academic vocabulary of students

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher students

Area: Developing language knowledge and skills

Dimension(s): Improving speaking and writing skills Improving listening and reading skills

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Building up language skills and vocabulary in the language(s) of schooling

How can voluntary book readings help develop the language(s) of schooling?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: parents

Area: Developing language knowledge and skills

Dimension(s): Improving speaking and writing skills Improving listening and reading skills

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Management, relationships & developing our youth

How to initiate a transformative approach for your school

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: headteachers

Area: Professional development Developing language knowledge and skills

Dimension(s): Structures for professional development Developing teachers' awareness Cooperation among teachers Professional learning communities Awareness of spoken and written language Improving speaking and writing skills

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Drop Everything and Read (DEAR)

How can you give support to reluctant readers in order to engage them in reading for pleasure?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students

Area: Developing language knowledge and skills

Dimension(s): Improving speaking and writing skills

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Guess the language

How can you foster intercultural understanding?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students teacher

Area: Language resources at school Orienting newcomer students and families Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Valuing students' languages Knowledge about the students' languages Making use of language resources at school Knowledge about the staff's languages Promoting plurilingualism Displaying plurilingualism in the school environment Knowledge about the families' language

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Reading buddies for paired reading

How can paired reading be part of a whole-school response to literacy improvement?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students

Area: Role of language in learning Promoting informal language learning Orienting newcomer students and families Developing language knowledge and skills Attitudes towards languages Awareness of language dimension

Dimension(s): Promoting language development Valuing students' languages Tracking literacy development Being language models Improving speaking and writing skills Opportunities for informal language learning Making use of language resources at school Community resources for communication with parents/guardians Bridging languages for learning

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Taking an interest in the child’s home language

How can taking an interest in the child’s home language(s) become the best investment ever?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: headteachers teacher non-teaching staff

Area: Language resources at school

Dimension(s): Knowledge about the students' languages

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Language of the month activities

How to enable your multilingual students to demonstrate their language skills at school

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students parents

Area: Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Valuing students' languages

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Language assessment

How to assess plurilingual learners

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Professional development

Dimension(s): Developing teachers' awareness

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Getting to know your students’ languages (part 1)

How to get to know your students and their languages (part 1)

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Language resources at school

Dimension(s): Knowledge about the students' languages

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Getting to know your students’ languages (part 2)

How to get to know your students and their languages (part 2)

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Language resources at school

Dimension(s): Knowledge about the students' languages

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Visualising language repertoires

How to help your students become aware of their language repertoire

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: headteachers non-teaching staff

Area: Language resources at school

Dimension(s): Knowledge about the students' languages

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Competences of the (future) teacher of plurilingual learners

How to develop competences needed for teaching plurilingual learners

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher headteachers

Area: Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Promoting plurilingualism

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Parents, your languages are an opportunity!

How to help parents become aware of the advantages of bilingualism

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: parents

Area: Promoting informal language learning

Dimension(s): Supporting students' language development at home

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Taking part in a slam competition

How can incorporating CLIL (Content and language integrated learning) develop students' linguistic and presentation skills?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Professional development Developing language knowledge and skills

Dimension(s): Developing teachers' awareness Cooperation among teachers Improving speaking and writing skills Improving listening and reading skills

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Create a plurilingual Kamishibai

How can making a Kamishibai together help to embrace plurilingualism and creativity in the classroom?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students

Area: Developing language knowledge and skills Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Valuing students' languages Improving speaking and writing skills Improving listening and reading skills

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A checklist for subject teachers: transparency of language requirements (1/7)

How to ensure that your attainment targets have transparent language requirements

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: headteachers teacher

Area: Metalinguistic awareness

Dimension(s): Language dimension in subject teaching Language-related concepts

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A checklist for subject teachers : Use of language by the subject teacher (2/7)

How to be aware of the language used when teaching a subject

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: headteachers teacher

Area: Metalinguistic awareness

Dimension(s): Language dimension in subject teaching Language-related concepts

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A checklist for subject teachers: Classroom interaction and opportunities for students to speak (3/7)

How to promote classroom interactions and favour opportunities for students to speak

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Metalinguistic awareness

Dimension(s): Language dimension in subject teaching Language-related concepts

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A checklist for subject teachers: scaffolding academic discourse skills, strategies and genres (4/7)

How to help students take responsibility for their own language learning

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Metalinguistic awareness

Dimension(s): Language dimension in subject teaching Language-related concepts

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A checklist for subject teachers: Linguistic appropriateness of materials (texts, different media, teaching/learning materials) (5/7)

How to ensure that your materials are adapted to your students

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Metalinguistic awareness

Dimension(s): Language dimension in subject teaching Language-related concepts

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A checklist for subject teachers: Linguistic aspects of evaluating academic language and content achievement (6/7)

How to take into account of the linguistic aspects when evaluating subject content

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Metalinguistic awareness

Dimension(s): Language dimension in subject teaching Language-related concepts

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A checklist for subject teachers: Incorporating Multilingual Aspects in so-called non-linguistic subjects (7/7)

How to take into account multilingual aspects when teaching a subject

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Role of language in learning

Dimension(s): Importance of language in subject teaching Promoting language development Plurilingualism during lessons Bridging languages for learning Building upon previous knowledge and experience

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Language learning in daily interactions with parents

How to use short films in 13 languages to promote language in daily life for parents/guardians

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: parents

Area: Promoting informal language learning

Dimension(s): Supporting students' language development at home

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Materials for (heritage) language teaching (available in 6 languages)

How to use theory, methods and practical suggestions to support heritage language teaching

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students teacher

Area: Developing language knowledge and skills Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Improving speaking and writing skills

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Becoming aware of the language used in my subject

How to help teachers identify subject-specific language practices to help vulnerable learners to learn

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Role of language in learning Professional development

Dimension(s): Developing teachers' awareness Importance of language in subject teaching

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Creating plurilingual learning activities

How can teachers structure learning activities that require two or more languages, even if they are not in a bilingual school?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Role of language in learning Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Valuing students' languages

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Mapping the knowledge and skills of newcomers step by step

How to take into account the newcomers' previous knowledge and experience, literacy and numeracy, and knowledge of school subjects

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: headteachers teacher non-teaching staff

Area: Orienting newcomer students and families Developing language knowledge and skills Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Valuing students' languages Tracking literacy development Improving speaking and writing skills Improving listening and reading skills Making use of language resources at school Promoting plurilingualism Displaying plurilingualism in the school environment Key documents in different languages

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Linguistic Support – LS (KIETU)

How can additional linguistic support be a key for learning and participation?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students parents

Area: Role of language in learning Orienting newcomer students and families Developing language knowledge and skills

Dimension(s): Importance of language in subject teaching Promoting language development Improving speaking and writing skills Improving listening and reading skills Making use of language resources at school Plurilingualism during lessons

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Multilingual native language lesson

How can students speaking different languages be taught simultaneously, not in their own language groups?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher students parents

Area: Language resources at school Role of language in learning Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Importance of language in subject teaching Promoting language development Valuing students' languages Tracking literacy development Knowledge about the students' languages Knowledge about the staff's languages Knowledge about the families' language

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Differentiated Instruction

How to make lessons accessible for all students

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted:

Area: Role of language in learning Professional development

Dimension(s): Planning and reviewing Developing teachers' awareness Cooperation among teachers Professional learning communities Bridging languages for learning Building upon previous knowledge and experience

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Scaffolding in language and subject teaching

How to develop professional learning communities

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Role of language in learning Professional development Metalinguistic awareness Awareness of language dimension

Dimension(s): Developing teachers' awareness Cooperation among teachers Importance of language in subject teaching Promoting language development Professional learning communities Language dimension in subject teaching Language-related concepts Importance of challenging activities

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Teaching language to facilitate the learning of maths

How to accelerate the learning of the language skills necessary for mathematical activities so that newcomer students can benefit more quickly from the lessons offered in regular classes?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Role of language in learning

Dimension(s): Importance of language in subject teaching Promoting language development Building upon previous knowledge and experience

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The nature of the second language pathway

What can (head)teachers do to improve the learning process of bi/multilingual students?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher headteachers

Area: Role of language in learning

Dimension(s): Plurilingualism during lessons

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Can Do – the foundational belief that every learner brings valuable contributions to everything they do

How can you consider students in terms of what they are able to do and contribute, NOT what they are lacking?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher headteachers

Area: Role of language in learning

Dimension(s): Building upon previous knowledge and experience

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Writing in science

How to identify and share science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) activities you already use in your classroom that will lead to great writing

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Role of language in learning Professional development

Dimension(s): Planning and reviewing Developing teachers' awareness Importance of language in subject teaching

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Cooperative Learning Tool – Silent Card Shuffle

How can I build on the opportunities of a multilingual classroom in my planning?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher students

Area: Role of language in learning Metalinguistic awareness

Dimension(s): Promoting language development Language-related concepts

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Making more meaning with patterned texts

How do patterned texts help bilingual learners read and produce sophisticated, fluent text?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students teacher

Area: Role of language in learning Developing language knowledge and skills

Dimension(s): Promoting language development Improving speaking and writing skills Building upon previous knowledge and experience

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Making more meaning with co-constructed texts

How do co-constructed texts help bilingual learners improve their literacy skills?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students teacher

Area: Role of language in learning Developing language knowledge and skills

Dimension(s): Promoting language development Improving speaking and writing skills Improving listening and reading skills

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Learning through two languages: cross-linguistic transfer

How do bilingual learners transfer the knowledge they have gained through one language to another language in order to better express themselves? What are the implications for school leaders?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher headteachers

Area: Role of language in learning Professional development Metalinguistic awareness Developing language knowledge and skills

Dimension(s): Developing teachers' awareness Professional learning communities Teaching specificities of language Language dimension in subject teaching Bridging languages for learning

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The green pack – junior

How can we support science teachers in their professional development?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Role of language in learning Professional development Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Structures for professional development Importance of language in subject teaching Promoting language development Promoting plurilingualism

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We are all the same! Celebration of the Roma Day and of Romani language

How can schools and the wider community benefit from minorities and how can cultural heritage and language be used in integration and understanding?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher students parents non-teaching staff

Area: Promoting informal language learning Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Valuing students' languages Opportunities for informal language learning Promoting plurilingualism Displaying plurilingualism in the school environment

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Mediation of school language skills in the first language

To what extent does the newly arrived student read or write in his or her first language? To what extent is the newly arrived student familiar with tasks typically used in Swiss-German schools?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Role of language in learning Developing language knowledge and skills

Dimension(s): Promoting language development Valuing students' languages Tracking literacy development

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Practical procedures for subject teachers to identify students’ language needs in their subject(s)

Does knowledge building in a school always involve working with languages?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Role of language in learning Professional development Awareness of language dimension

Dimension(s): Developing teachers' awareness Importance of language in subject teaching Promoting language development Importance of challenging activities

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Schools on the way to a holistic language policy

How can the collaborative language teaching methodology contribute to literacy development in first and second languages?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students teacher

Area: Role of language in learning Metalinguistic awareness Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Promoting language development Valuing students' languages Language dimension in subject teaching Promoting plurilingualism Displaying plurilingualism in the school environment Building upon previous knowledge and experience

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L1 supporting the language of schooling

How can L1 support language development in the language(s) of schooling?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students teacher

Area: Role of language in learning Promoting informal language learning Metalinguistic awareness Developing language knowledge and skills Attitudes towards languages Awareness of language dimension

Dimension(s): Valuing students' languages Language-related concepts Improving speaking and writing skills Opportunities for informal language learning Promoting plurilingualism Plurilingualism during lessons Displaying plurilingualism in the school environment Importance of challenging activities Building upon previous knowledge and experience

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Together towards inclusion: a toolkit for diversity

How to create and sustain a welcoming and inclusive environment for students and parents from all backgrounds and thus ensure equal access to the curriculum

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students parents teacher headteachers

Area: Professional development Orienting newcomer students and families

Dimension(s): Planning and reviewing Developing teachers' awareness Making use of language resources at school

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Global Players – Freischwimmer im Meer der Sprachen

How can making use of all the languages learnt and spoken by the participants in a drama play promote language awareness and language learning strategies?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students teacher

Area: Language resources at school Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Valuing students' languages Knowledge about the students' languages Promoting plurilingualism Displaying plurilingualism in the school environment

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PlurCur – LAWA: Languages Awareness – Mehrsprachige Fähigkeiten wahrnemen

How can you develop the ability to understand texts in other languages?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students

Area: Role of language in learning

Dimension(s): Bridging languages for learning Building upon previous knowledge and experience

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Language Awareness – Taking advantage of plurilingual skills

How to use plurilingual skills to facilitate the learning of the languge of schooling

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students

Area: Awareness of language dimension

Dimension(s): Emphasis on language learning

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Activities to support multilingualism at school

How can hands-on activities motivate students to use their languages?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students

Area: Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Valuing students' languages

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Identify discourse genres in your subject(s)

How to help teachers identify subject-specific language practices to facilitate learning for vulnerable learners

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Professional development

Dimension(s): Importance of language in subject teaching

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Language skills for successful subject learning

How to use CEFR linked descriptors for mathematics and history/civics

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students teacher

Area: Professional development

Dimension(s): Planning and reviewing

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Story boxes: 1001 stories to tell

How to develop young learners' language skills

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students teacher

Area: Developing language knowledge and skills


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One, two, trois, quatre, fünf, sechs

How to help young learners develop their multilingual repertoire while learning to count

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students

Area: Attitudes towards languages Awareness of language dimension

Dimension(s): Emphasis on language learning Valuing students' languages Promoting plurilingualism

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Have fun with multilingual books

How to find a multilingual book to introduce languages at pre-primary school?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students

Area: Awareness of language dimension


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How can volunteers support migrant families with their knowledge about the school-system, both officially and non officially?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: parents

Area: Orienting newcomer students and families

Dimension(s): Community resources for communication with parents/guardians

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Parents, use your home language

How can linguistic mediators work with migrant families in their own languages to develop young children’s language skills?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: parents

Area: Promoting informal language learning

Dimension(s): Opportunities for informal language learning Supporting students' language development at home Promoting plurilingualism

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Multilingual database of rhymes, tongue twisters and lullabies

Where can you find rhymes, tongue twisters and lullabies to foster the linguistic skills of younger children?

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: parents teacher

Area: Promoting informal language learning

Dimension(s): Opportunities for informal language learning Supporting students' language development at home Bridging languages for learning

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Regulations regarding professional translation in communication with parents

How to know about the rights of parents and guardians who do not speak, listen, read, or write English proficiently because it is not their primary language

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: parents

Area: Orienting newcomer students and families

Dimension(s): Professional resources for communication Key documents in different languages

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Key documents in different languages

Consult these key documents which have been translated by different institutions.

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: parents

Area: Orienting newcomer students and families

Dimension(s): Professional resources for communication Key documents in different languages

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Guidelines for translations in schools

When to engage a professional translation service for parents

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: parents teacher

Area: Orienting newcomer students and families

Dimension(s): Professional resources for communication Key documents in different languages

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Value intercultural encounters

How to think about and learn from intercultural encounters

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher non-teaching staff

Area: Promoting informal language learning

Dimension(s): Supporting students' language development at home

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Set up a staff development meeting

How to set up a staff development meeting building upon the languages at hand

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher headteachers non-teaching staff

Area: Language resources at school

Dimension(s): Knowledge about the staff's languages

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Communicating with migrants – Guide for staff in job centres and public services

How to support work-related language development for young adult migrants in vocational education/training and (young) adult migrants seeking employment or already being employed

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: headteachers non-teaching staff

Area: Professional development

Dimension(s): Professional learning communities

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Learn how to make communication easier

Based on the example of the city of Graz, see how an institution has simplified the language of their communication tools so as to make them more easily understandable.

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher headteachers non-teaching staff

Area: Orienting newcomer students and families

Dimension(s): Professional resources for communication

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Become a language-aware pre-primary teacher

How to develop your language-related and intercultural teaching competences required at the pre-primary level

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: headteachers teacher

Area: Professional development

Dimension(s): Structures for professional development

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A guide to teacher competences for languages in education

How to find frameworks and descriptions of language teacher competences for various contexts, with a taxonomy of teacher competences for the role of language in education

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Professional development

Dimension(s): Planning and reviewing

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Comparons nos langues

How to build upon your students' language resources so as to help them develop the language(s) of schooling

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher headteachers

Area: Awareness of language dimension

Dimension(s): Emphasis on language learning

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A Colombian mum shares her thoughts

Why take part in a whole-school approach valuing languages and cultures? Testimony of a Colombian mum.

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: parents headteachers

Area: Language resources at school

Dimension(s): Knowledge about the families' language

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Headteachers, involve the parents!

How to involve all parents at school: testimony of a headteacher from Catalunya

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: parents headteachers

Area: Language resources at school

Dimension(s): Knowledge about the families' language

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Addictively tasty!

How to make your students compare languages by talking about chocolate

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students teacher

Area: Metalinguistic awareness

Dimension(s): Language-related concepts

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Language competences for the workplace

How to develop competences helpful to professionals and others when supporting work-related majority language (L2) learning by migrants and ethnic minorities

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher headteachers

Area: Professional development Metalinguistic awareness Developing language knowledge and skills

Dimension(s): Planning and reviewing

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Take part in an international participative online project

How to develop your students' digital literacy and communication competences

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students teacher

Area: Role of language in learning Developing language knowledge and skills

Dimension(s): Improving speaking and writing skills Bridging languages for learning

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Subject-specific language descriptors

How to help your students become aware of their language proficiency

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: students teacher

Area: Professional development Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Emphasis on language learning Planning and reviewing

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Collaborate and identify differences in subject-specific discourse demands

How to work with colleagues in order to become aware of the language dimension of your own subject

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Professional development Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Emphasis on language learning Structures for professional development Planning and reviewing

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Designing tasks to integrate content and language objectives

How to plan for more explicit language instruction

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Professional development Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Emphasis on language learning Planning and reviewing

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Five steps to differentiate language objectives

How to differentiate your language expectations for students with lower proficiency levels

Primary stakeholder(s) targeted: teacher

Area: Professional development Attitudes towards languages

Dimension(s): Emphasis on language learning Planning and reviewing

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